Project Description

Please click on the Grade level to order via My Catholic Faith Delivered's secure website.
Faith and Life Online - GRADE 1
The students are introduced to the Holy Trinity through studying the development of salvation history and presentations on God the Father, the life of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Students are also introduced to God’s plan and their participation in God’s family, which includes Mary, the angels, and the saints. The emphasis of the first grade curriculum is for students to grow to know, love, and trust God.
Faith and Life Online - GRADE 2
The students are prepared for the sacraments of Penance and First Holy Communion through studying the development of salvation history. As students learn about God’s plan of love and mercy, they begin to understand that these sacraments are God’s gift to us and that they too are part of God’s loving plan. Special emphasis is given to preparation for and reception of these sacraments, as well as learning about the Mass.
Faith and Life Online - GRADE 3
Through studying the development of salvation history, students become immersed in the life of Jesus and develop a deeper understanding of God's loving plan and of how they are a part of His plan.
Faith and Life Online - GRADE 4
Through studying the development of salvation history, students come to a better understanding of God, His plan for man, and our relationship with God. Students develop a better understanding of their purpose and goal in life and a deeper appreciation for the Church as the very means that God has given us on our pilgrimage to heaven.
Faith and Life Online - GRADE 5
Through studying the Creed and the development of salvation history, students are immersed in the Profession of Faith. They develop a deeper understanding of each component of the Creed as it is part of salvation history.
Faith and Life Online - GRADE 6
In the sixth grade, students learn about their Christian life of love, the law of God, their human frailty in following that law, and the means that God gives them to follow His law especially through graces received in the Holy Mass. By focusing the study of salvation history on typology in the Passover feast and the Last Supper, the students are brought to a deeper understanding of the Eucharist. The sixth grade six concludes with a study of the last things in light of God’s mercy and our hope for heaven.
Faith and Life Online - GRADE 7
Students learn about God’s loving gift of revelation through creation, the prophets, the Incarnation, and the Church. Grace is understood as being central to our relationship with God because it unites us with Him and allows us to share in His eternal life. The seventh grade places special emphasis on the role of grace in the seven sacraments and in developing the virtues.
Faith and Life Online -
The eighth grade covers the history of the Church – its founding by Christ, its birth and life in the Holy Spirit, the marks of the one true Church, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the saints, and the role of religious communities in Church history. Also covered is the structure and hierarchy of the Church, the Magisterium, clergy, religious, and laity. Students come to know and love the Church as Christ’s Body, to better understand the nature of their life in the Church, and to respond to the teaching of the Magisterium as the sure voice of Jesus, strengthening their lives in the Church and leading them to discern their specific vocations and to live lives of Christian holiness in the world today.
GRADE 9: Didache - Introduction to Catholicism
Introduction to Catholicism, 2nd Edition, contains the same Catholic teaching found in the popular original textbook, with expanded topics. Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this text covers the basic tenets of the Faith and what it means to be Catholic; includes an additional 200 pages, a new design layout, and additional pieces of full-color liturgical art. This textbook, one of four in the Didache Complete Course Series, is used by high schools, home school groups, RCIA, and is also suitable for anyone looking to broaden their Faith knowledge.
GRADE 10: Didache - Understanding the Scriptures
This course by Dr. Scott Hahn presents a Catholic approach to Scripture, highlighting the theme of covenant. Tracing a path through salvation history, the course explains the various books of the Bible and the importance of each event in salvation history. Understanding the Scriptures will provide an understanding of Sacred Scripture so critical to the Catholic Faith.
GRADE 11: Didache - The History of the Church
This comprehensive history of the Catholic Church includes every major event in the Church’s history from the life of her founder, Jesus Christ, to the present day. This text places the Church in her context throughout history and explains the role that the Church and her leaders have played in the shaping of history for better and worse. Complete with maps, timelines, sidebars, paintings, and photographs, The History of the Church is a critical historical resource for Catholic and non-Catholic historians alike.
GRADE 12: Didache - Our Moral Life in Christ
Our Moral Life in Christ presents the more complex theological concepts of the Catholic Faith. With particular emphasis on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Veritatis Splendor, this book provides the formation necessary to live a moral life and a foundation to pursue advanced theological studies.

Juniors and Seniors may enroll in Theology Online with Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., Th.D., for college credit HERE.