College Credit & Bachelor Degree Track
(College Credit & BA Track)
Earn High School & College Credit concurrently up to a BA Degree by 12th Grade
- Classical curriculum and pedagogy adopted and perfected by the Church over 14 centuries
- Restores receiving the AA/BA Degrees to age 17-18
- Saves tens of thousands in college costs (tuition, room, board)
Our Great Books Program is the crown jewel of our educational offerings. More and more colleges and universities are accepting transfer of these courses for college credit, both via formal agreements and on an individual or ad hoc basis. As there are over 4,500 colleges and universities in the US alone (235 Catholic), we realistically cannot enter into contracts with even a small fraction of them, so we rely on our ACE college credit recommendations to speak for accepting the transfer of these credits to most of them.
Transferring our College-level Credits. However, we have selected a number of colleges and universities to work with more closely, in detail, by mutual agreement, to assure the seamless transfer of these college credits for our students, to count towards their Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees. The colleges and universities with which we have agreements, or which have accepted our college credits in transfer, are noted on the “Colleges” page.
The Great Books College Credit & BA Degree Program is designed for those 9th-12th grade (and up) students who wish to begin college level studies, for college credit, and even an AA or BA Degree. All students on this track may begin their college level studies in the 9th grade (at age 14, and up) by taking the first year (Ancient Greeks) of our renowned Great Books program online. Pursuant to the American Council for Education’s college credit recommendation and our agreements with various colleges and universities, students can receive 6 college credits per course/semester (=12 college credits per year/48 for the 4-year Great Books Program).
Dual Credit. Most of the Angelicum Great Books students are also taking high school level courses, either from the Angelicum Academy (online or offline at home) or elsewhere. In that case, they will usually complete their 12th grade work and the Great Books Program (and AAS Degree or AA Degree if they complete five or ten additional college-level courses, respectively), at the same time. College courses also satisfy as high school level courses too – dual credit. Many students have earned 60-75 college credits and their Associates degrees while enrolled in the AA Degree Program, and then transferred to residential colleges for their final one-two years of college. If you are interested in a residential Catholic college experience (such as at Belmont Abbey College, The Collegium, or Benedictine College) this is an ideal arrangement.
Flexible Credits. Students in the Great Books College Credit & BA track, have the option of earning up to 42 more college credits by taking up to 14 of the college-level courses (3 credits each course). listed under degree plans resulting in an AA degree. The 48 Great Books credits plus these 42 total to 90 college credits, or three years of college (assuming the typical 120- credit hour BA degree). Adding-on some of the 4 Theology Online, 5 University of St. Thomas- Houston, or 10 Catholic Distance University courses in the College Credit & BA track is flexible and very inexpensive: $225 per credit hour. We have no hidden or other fees, and students directly pay the Angelicum Academy for their tuition (we pay the other colleges or universities involved).
Sample AA Degree Plans. Below are some suggested sample curriculum plans. Please note that Angelicum students under 16 may only add-on additional college-level courses beginning in the summer after finishing the Great Books Greek (i.e., freshman) year. The College Credit & BA Track tuition for the first two years (for students under 16) is thus limited to $ 2,999 (or $299 per month for 10 months) for the required Great Books Program and its 12 college credits per year. After that, if college credit courses are added on, they cost only $225 per credit hour (there is no extra charge for the Associates Degree); there are no extra or hidden fees. The $225 may be paid in 10 equal payments of $25 per month per credit, for 10 months). Most college-level courses are 3 credits each.
We also offer a fixed or flat price tuition AA Track for Angelicum students certain they are aiming at an AA or AAS degree as their terminal degree or as desired on the way to their BA a year or more later after leaving the Angelicum Academy, which may be viewed HERE.
The New BA Degree Plan. The new option results in a BA degree by 12th grade, hence the name: College Credit & BA Degree Track. The reader may be skeptical about the ability of students c. 18 years old to earn a BA degree – we assure you this is not only possible, it was the ordinary order of education until the 20th century. We have prepared an article on this subject which may be viewed HERE. What it entails is a student completing the four-year Great Books Program (48 credits) and 24 other courses in their Sophomore, Junior and Senior years. We have prepared sample degree plans for students interested in pursuing this option, here. Many questions about it are answered at the AA/BA FAQ page. The base price for the program is $2,999 per year (which includes our Great Books Program) + any other college courses added, at $225 per course. Catholic International University has agreed to allow our Senior (Moderns Year) students who have earned their Angelicum/CIU AA degree to complete the courses needed for a BA degree, on a case-by-case basis.
Degree Plans
The first chart below sets forth various ways Angelicum students in the AA Degree Track for 2, 3, or 4 years can earn anywhere from 12 to 33 college credits per year, resulting in up to 90 college credits. 60 credits are required for Associates degrees (AA = Associate of Arts Degree; AAS = Associate of Arts in Applied Science Degree) by 12th grade, all online. Students wishing to transfer to a residential college will typically complete their 12th grade and 24-60 college credits with the Angelicum Academy and then transfer to one of our associated colleges with one to two years of college already completed and paid for at great savings.
The second chart below sets forth one of several ways Angelicum students in the College Credit & BA Degree Track can earn up to 120 credits and their BA Degree by completion of 12th Grade. The Great Books Program courses are included in the $ 2,999 tuition. Add-on Courses are a flat $225 per college credit hour.
Sample AA Degree Plans

Sample BA Degree Plans

To earn 30 CIU credits per year requires students to take 2 CIU courses per semester beginning in the summer after Sophomore year (Romans). This would be ten 3-credit courses per year spread over five CIU semesters each year (Summer, Fall I, Fall II, Spring I, Spring II); in addition to the Great Books courses taken in the Fall and Spring Angelicum semesters each year, and completion of the Angelicum Theology Online courses at any time (asynchronous) during the final 2 years. If a student finds this schedule too difficult, they can, of course, extend the time (number of semesters) for up to 4 additional years, at no additional cost.
CIU also accepts AP credits, so students who have successfully completed some as freshman or sophomores can transfer those to CIU thereby reducing the number of credits they need to earn in their junior or senior years.