20. Do the The Great Courses Plus™ satisfy the Angelicum Academy requirement for a high school diploma?
Yes. The Angelicum Academy requires 4 years of English, 4 [...]
Yes. The Angelicum Academy requires 4 years of English, 4 [...]
Ordinarily, no, unless you received permission to substitute courses you [...]
If a student begins the Greats program, and for whatever [...]
Of course. Just give us 72 hours notice to terminate [...]
Yes. Any educational level 9th and higher is fine, including [...]
Students enrolled in the Greats Honors Program may view any [...]
Please see the GHP curriculum charts #1 and #2 HERE.
Normally it takes four years to complete the whole Greats [...]
Here is what the NACAC writes about that: “College Board: [...]
Most high schools require about 5-6 hours of class time [...]