Many home schooled students do not particularly desire a diploma to evidence completion of high school studies. However, for those who do, to receive a Graduation diploma (High School) from the Angelicum Academy, a student must have completed the following 9th-12th grade level courses (or substantial equivalents):
- 4 Years of Religion or Theology
- 4 Years of English Language Arts (e.g., Grammar and Usage, Composition, College Essay Writing, Critical Reading, Rhetoric)
- 3 Years of Math (Algebra I & II and Geometry; note: the ACT also tests Trigonometry; the SAT tests data analysis, statistics and probability, but we do not require these)
- 3 Years of Science (normally consisting of : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, but sometimes Astronomy or other science courses)
- 3 Years of Social Studies (any of the following: History, Ethics, Civics, Socratic Logic, Geography, Economics)
17 Total (see just below for courses covered by the Great Books Program)
Note: Some States also require, 2 Years of Foreign Language (Ancient Greek or Latin are recommended, but any foreign language qualifies) and some require 1 Year of Art or Music (Art History –e.g. , Art in Focus or Instrumental or Vocal Music lessons are also recommended). We do not require these.
Our 4-Year Great Books Program is both the core of our educational approach, and “the backbone of a liberal education.” This interdisciplinary program, which studies 120 great works of Western civilization over four years/8 semesters includes great works of literature, history, philosophy, theology, poetry, political science, social science and psychology. Consequently, it includes the substantial equivalent of four years of English language arts courses, and three years of social studies, inter alia. It includes much more as well, but students who take this program do not need to take additional English language arts courses (assuming they completed 8th grade grammar) or social science courses to fulfill our graduation requirements. They are of course free to do so – and we do offer such courses – but for them it is not required.
[In more detail: the Great Books courses include much Ancient History, World History, US History, US State Papers/Civics, Western Civilization, World Literature, English Literature, American Literature, Poetry, Shakespeare, Ancient Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Vocabulary. See HS credit chart
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