All A.A. track students begin with the Great Books Program courses, which are fully described elsewhere on this LINK. The first course is entitled the Great Books of the Ancient Greeks. There are 4 years (8 semesters) in the Great Books program. Each semester has been recommended for 6 hours of college credit by the American Council for Education (ACE CREDIT), which therefore total to 48 credits for successfully completing the entire Great Books Program. Numerous colleges and universities, including Holy Apostles College & Seminary, accept these credits for transfer towards their degrees. It is the policy of Holy Apostles not to accept any undergraduate credits for transfer which carry a grade of less than a C- (1.67 on a 4.0 scale). Holy Apostles requires a 2.5 cumulative GPA (that is between a C [2.0] and a B [3.0] grade average) for the student’s preceding semester of high school studies to qualify to take their courses.
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