Accreditation agencies generally require any college-level credit for work done in high school or home school to be evaluated by a recognized third party evaluator such as such as AP, IB, ACE, CLEP. So any courses not recommended by such a recognized 3rd party course evaluator cannot be accepted for college credit, even if they might otherwise merit it. In order to obtain such recommendations, these 3rd parties either do a full review (as ACE has done in our case) of the courses involved, or develop and utilize their own tests to evaluate the results as college credit worthy (such as AP and CLEP). The review process is arduous and very expensive. But it provides a safety factor for colleges in that as long as they have had such a 3rd party review or testing they may accept such credits (however they do not have to) towards their degrees without jeopardizing their accreditation. Almost no college would be willing to step outside this accepted framework. So any courses without one of those recognized 3rd party college credit recommendations would generally not qualify for college credit, regardless of merit, title (such as “Honors” or “Advanced”) or content. An exception to this is a limited number of credits that some colleges offer for “life” or “experiential” learning, which of course generally applies to older students, and even these are often subject to some similar form of review or testing.
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