Yes, provided there is no tuition balance due. All colleges require tuition be paid before they issue transcripts, diplomas or degrees. Since the A.A. tuition is discounted, and on a four-year basis, students who leave the A.A. track before completion will have their tuition recalculated at that time, based on the tuition of $1,987 per Great Books semester ($3,975 per year); (plus $212 per credit hour earned to the extent this exceeds the above amount – see FAQ #45). In effect, this simply restores the tuition discount they received for joining and completing the A.A. track. Students who leave mid-semester or anytime before completing a course will be charged proportionately – for the classes or portion of a course they attended or completed before withdrawing. To be effective, we require 72-hour written notice of withdrawal – an email is fine.
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