It depends upon how many college credits you earn while in our program.
The typical student in our A.A. track is in it for four years, and earns a total of 75 college credits. The A.A. track costs $ 3,975 per year x four years = $ 15,900. That comes to $212 per college credit hour – a tremendous bargain in higher education. However the tuition is the same if a student decides not to earn 75 credits, and earns perhaps only 70 or 60. But it includes the cost of all 75 credits available to our A.A. track students.
Many students join us “laterally,” in their 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of high school, or later. In that case, since we have no way of knowing exactly how many credits they may earn in our program, they pay the same $ 3,975 per year minimum for the Great Books Program A.A. track, and at or near the conclusion of their time with us we tally how many recommended college credits they have earned, and we simply multiply that by $212. If the resulting total exceeds $ 3,975 per year they have been with us and paid, then they owe the balance at that time, before they may receive their transcript, diploma or degree. So for example, if a student is in the program three years, and thus paid $ 11,925 in tuition ($ 3,975 x 3 years), and earned 63 credits, that student would owe a final balance of $ 1,431 (=63 credits x $212 = $ 13,356 – $11,925 paid = $1,431 balance). If the balance is reversed, that is they have paid in more than $212 per recommended college credit earned, there is no refund. That rarely happens as most students and parents are very aware of their academic progress and take full advantage of our program to maximize their recommended college credits earned.
Here is a list of the maximum possible credits (via Great Books-6 credits per semester; Theology Online- four 3-credit courses; and five Holy Apostles courses) that could be earned in 8 semesters or fewer by Angelicum Academy students (without any “doubling up” of Great Books classes) and the total tuition for each.
Semesters | Maximum Credits Possible | Total Tuition | Cost per Credit Hour |
2 | 36 | $7,623 | $212 |
3 | 45 | $9,540 | $212 |
4 | 51 | $10,812 | $212 |
5 | 57 | $12,084 | $212 |
6 | 63 | $13,356 | $212 |
7 | 69 | $14,628 | $212 |
8 | 75 | $15,900 | $212 |
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