No, but it does include a number of them. The A.A. track includes all the courses needed to earn an Associate’s degree while in high school (or in a home school equivalent). It does not include all of the courses typically required for a high school diploma (or home school program diploma or equivalent), such as high school math and science.
However, the A.A. track does include a number of courses which may substitute for various high school courses. For example, the A.A. track Great Books courses may substitute (that is, satisfy the high school requirement for) English and social studies. Similarly, the Theology Online component of the A.A. track may satisfy for two years of religion; and the A.A. track Holy Apostles courses: Catechism Pillars I & II (PAS 161 and 162) will satisfy for the other two years of religion. The A.A. track Holy Apostles SCM 101 Mathematics among the Liberal Arts course will satisfy for one semester of high school math; while A.A. track Holy Apostles SCM 201 Physics and SCM 220 Chemistry courses will satisfy for one year of high school science. These five Holy Apostles courses are a part of the A.A. track (and are listed above).
So at the end of the track, if a student completes all of the A.A. track courses, they would also typically need to have completed the following high school courses for their high school diploma (or home school equivalent): two additional years of high school science (including biology); three and a half years of high school math (typically including Algebra I & II and Geometry). The A.A. track is not a high school program: it is college level courses taken while in high school. It includes a number of courses that are substantially equivalent (or rather, exceed) in content high school courses typically required for a high school diploma.
The Angelicum Academy accepts all of the foregoing examples of course substitutions/equivalencies towards its high school level diploma.
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