College Track Options

Earn High School & College Credit concurrently and your AA and/or BA by 12th Grade
- Classical curriculum and pedagogy adopted and perfected by the Church over 14 centuries
- Restores receiving the BA Degree to as early as age 18, as was done until the last century
- Avoids the “prolonged adolescence” American collegiate education currently requires
- Saves tens of thousands in college costs (tuition, room, board)
- Simply choose one of two options and you are on your way to earning college credit and a degree
College Credit & Bachelor's Degree Track
(College Credit & BA Track)
Flip for DetailsCollege Credit & Bachelor's Degree Track
(College Credit & BA Track)
The Great Books courses for 6 college credits per semester/12 per year.
Weekly readings, Online Learning Center Guides and Texts, Grading, two 1,800-word essays per semester, Semester Oral Exam.
Earn 48 College Credits for Four-year Great Books program
+ up to 14 more college course (42 credits) = 90 college credits.
Tuition: $2,999 per year or $299 per month (10 months)
+ $225 per additional college level credit.
Students in the College Credit and/or Associates Degree track may add courses for $675 each
(= $225 per credit), beginning the summer after their Freshman/Greek year.
Associate Degree Track
(AA Track)
Flip for DetailsAssociate Degree Track
(AA Track)
Great Books Program (48 college credits), and either:
30 credits from Catholic Distance University for a total of 78 credits; or
12 Theology Online credits and 15 credits from Holy Apostles College for a total of up to 75 college credits and an Associate’s Degree
All of these credits also count towards a BA degree.
Weekly readings, Online Learning Center Guides and Texts, Grading two 1,500-word essays per semester, Semester Oral Exam.
Tuition: $3,975 per year/$397 per month (ten months)
We are happy to announce we have an updated agreement with Catholic International University (CIU) that allows our students to earn an AA or a BA as early as 12th grade. In addition, we have Agreements with Belmont College, Benedictine College and other colleges which allow our students to transfer many of their college credits to those colleges of their choice. As always, our students also have the option to request transfer of college credits from our program to a university or college of their choice with which we have no formal agreement; many colleges have accepted our credits in this way.
With the new CIU Agreement, students in our existing AA and College Credit programs will have the opportunity not only to continue to earn college credit for their Angelicum Great Books and Theology Online courses, but will also be able to apply those credits towards a BA from Catholic International University as early as 12th grade. Current students in our College Credit and AA programs will be able to switch to this new program with CIU and apply the college credits (up to 90) they have thus far earned towards a BA. Students already enrolled in the Holy Apostles AA Track may choose to continue in that program or transfer their Holy Apostles credits to the CIU program.
Our agreement with Catholic International University is a huge step forward in our efforts over the last 25 years to have the BA awarded at age 18 as it was for through the High and Late Middle Ages into the late Renaissance and late 19th century. This is precisely one of the key educational reforms proposed and advocated by Dr. Mortimer Adler and Professor Jacques Maritain – and others—who were very critical of the modern American practice of delaying Bachelor’s degrees to age 22. This reform, with others, we have worked for assiduously over the last 25 years for a restoration of the authentic classical form of education.
As these prominent intellectuals pointed out, the deviation of modern American education from standards developed over 2,300 years was economically wasteful at best and morally dangerous at worst. In their view, history had proven that the formation of the intellect by c. age 18 not only inspired young men and women to pursue the good, the true and the beautiful before they encountered many corrupting influences, but also arms them to identify and resist the many errors and allurements of modern culture.
Restoring the BA degree to its proper place at c. age 18 not only eliminates the modern prolonged adolescence that comes with delaying the BA to age 22, but also avoids the heavy burden of college debt that many students and parents must bear because of the exorbitant cost of modern American education. To that end, the Angelicum Academy has long offered, and many have completed our College Credit or Associate’s Degree Tracks that enable students to earn up to 75 college credits or an Associate’s Degree by 12th grade, or a Bachelor’s degree as early as one year after high school graduation. All of these programs are affordable, saving tens of thousands of dollars in college costs. This new program with CIU adds the ultimate option whereby serious students can receive dual credit sufficient to receive a B.A. degree at the completion of 12th grade.
Whether you are an Angelicum student or parent of a student currently enrolled at any level in our K-12 program it is not too early or too late to plan for college. The online AA, BA and College Credit programs save tens of thousands in tuition, room and board (a 40% to 85% savings over current tuition charged by colleges). Click HERE for College Cost Comparisons.
The Angelicum has made it very simple to earn dual high-school and college credit. Simply choose from two options depending on your goals:
- The first option is a “bundle” that includes all the college credit needed to obtain an Associate Degree by 12th grade for an annual tuition of $3,975 (or $397 per month for 10 months). 60 credits are needed for an AA Degree, but students in this program can earn up to 75 college credits for this fixed tuition. This is the less expensive option per credit hour to an AA degree.
- The second option allows you to pay $2,999 annually to earn all the college credit for the Great Books courses (48 college credits total). In addition you can earn college credit including enough for an AA or BA degree by 12th grade – at $225 per credit hour (compared to the average range of $375 to $1,385 per credit hour charged in public and private colleges).
Degree Plans
The first chart below sets forth various ways Angelicum students in the AA Degree Track for 2, 3, or 4 years can earn anywhere from 12 to 33 college credits per year, resulting in up to 90 college credits. 60 credits are required for Associates degrees (AA = Associate of Arts Degree; AAS = Associate of Arts in Applied Science Degree) by 12th grade, all online. Students wishing to transfer to a residential college will typically complete their 12th grade and 24-60 college credits with the Angelicum Academy and then transfer to one of our associated colleges with one to two years of college already completed and paid for at great savings.
The second chart below sets forth one of several ways Angelicum students in the College Credit & BA Degree Track can earn up to 120 credits and their BA Degree by completion of 12th Grade. The Great Books Program courses are included in the $ 2,999 tuition. Add-on Courses are a flat $225 per college credit hour.
Sample AA Degree Plans

Sample BA Degree Plan

To earn 30 CIU credits per year requires students to take 2 CIU courses per semester beginning in the summer after Sophomore year (Romans). This would be ten 3-credit courses per year spread over five CIU semesters each year (Summer, Fall I, Fall II, Spring I, Spring II); in addition to the Great Books courses taken in the Fall and Spring Angelicum semesters each year, and completion of the Angelicum Theology Online courses at any time (asynchronous) during the final 2 years. If a student finds this schedule too difficult, they can, of course, extend the time (number of semesters) for up to 4 additional years, at no additional cost.
CIU also accepts AP credits, so students who have successfully completed some as freshman or sophomores can transfer those to CIU thereby reducing the number of credits they need to earn in their junior or senior years.
Flip for DescriptionLive (Synchronous)
Students meet online, weekly, for a two-hour discussion on the great books reading. Enrollment is limited to 20 students per class.
Flip for DescriptionRecorded (Asynchronous)
Students watch recorded discussions compiled from the past 20 years of our online Great Books Program classes. This is the best option for students unable to attend our live classes.
Enroll Now for 2024/2025
Click on any of the options below to enroll in our online programs and/or homeschool program. We use PayPal to process our tuition payments. You do not need a PayPal account to process your tuition. You can pay with your regular credit card via the PayPal website.