Fr. Joseph Fessio and Mark Brumley of Ignatius Press


Look for information on the Angelicum Great Books Program in catalogs from Ignatius Press.

June 24, 2014

Dear Ignatius Press friends,

As you may know, Ignatius Press is committed to promoting the tradition of liberal education. For this reason, we have joined forces with the Angelicum Academy to form the Ignatius-Angelicum Liberal Studies Programs. Our founder and editor, Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio, is one of the teachers in the program and its chancellor. I have watched every single online lecture Father Fessio has given for the Ignatius-Angelicum Liberal Studies Program and I can say they are outstanding. He is an extraordinarily gifted teacher. Anyone would benefit from participating in Father Fessio’s online courses as well as the other courses available. This is true a superb use of the often misused resource of the internet.

In the effort to promote the New Evangelization, liberal education plays a crucial role–as it did in the early centuries of the Church, when Christian apologists effectively made the case for Christ in a hostile intellectual and moral context. Christians went on to shape what eventually became Western Civilization, utilizing the resources of faith and reason, including the resources of classical, liberal learning.

The Ignatius-Angelicum Liberal Studies Program wants to contribute in a similar way to the New Evangelization.

Please take a moment to review the material at ( It’s also something worth sending to friends.

Sincerely in the Lord,

Mark Brumley
Ignatius Press